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Eco Schools



Welcome to the Eco- Council area of our website!

We are a dedicated team working hard in St. Patrick's to promote many Eco- issues.

Our council has pupils from P4 to P7 who meet regularly to discuss eco- friendly topics and ideas that our school can take part in to help our planet. We love to get the whole school involved in our mission to help the Earth!

We are currently working on Healthy Living, Waste Management and Climate Change in relation to our Eco-Schools work. 

Here is our Eco-Code we created together!

We also created a poster for our school to help everyone remember how to be a great Eco-Warrior to protect the Earth!


14th Jun 2024
The boys and girls in Primary 5 have looked after their sunflowers so well since...
5th Jun 2024
The children in Primary 5 investigated the results of a fair test using sunflowers....
31st May 2024
Primary 5 enjoyed planting sunflowers as part of our World Around Us investigation....