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ASC1 Tasting around the world.

20th Dec 2023
In ASC1 we have been researching Celebrations around the world.
We were most excited to learn about different traditions people have for Christmas time.
We learned in Mexico people celebrate in January when the 3 Kings would have arrived to meet Jesus, they eat a special sweet "Kings bread" with glazed fruit. Ms DoSantos also celebrates with this special food in Portugal and brought in some for us to try and it was delicious.
Mrs Kamila brought in a special food that her family eat at Christmas in Poland called "Pierogi"- a savory dumpling with potato inside which we thought was very yummy.
We also made an Australian party food called Fairy Bread using bread, butter and sprinkles which everyone loved, some people even made themselves seconds to enjoy.
We all really enjoyed smelling and tasting these special foods from around the world, and some of us are even going to include them in our Christmas celebrations this year!